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Russian VISA information
If you want to travel to Russian Federation, you need a Russian VISA. In order to get a Russian VISA, the first thing you need is an invitation (also known as visa support letter). After that, you can apply for the visa at a Russian consulate either by yourself or through a local travel agent (usually for an extra fee).
To formalize an invitation (visa support letter) please inform us by E-mail at info@cosmcenter.com:
- full name of the invited person
- date of birth
- send a copy of your national passport
- place of work or study, position, its address, phone number
- period of stay in Russia and cities to be visited
Once you have your invitation , you need to prepare the following documents to apply for your Russian visa:
- Travel Passport.Should be valid at least 6 months after your Russian visa will expire and contain at least two clear pages - for the visa and the migration card.
- Two Passport-size Photographs. Should be recent and good quality.
- Russian Visa Application Form Fill it out online and print it out from Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MID) website visa.kdmid.ru- only after you have obtained your visa support documents (tourist or business), which contain the information you'll need to provide in the visa application form.
Finally, you need to submit all your documents, including your visa support, to the Russian consulate. You can either do it by yourself, or through a local travel agency.