Home / Information / About the Volgograd city center of orthopedics and orthopedic cosmetology

About the Volgograd city center of orthopedics and orthopedic cosmetology
State Healthcare Facility City Clinical Hospital No. 1 im. S.Z. Fischera, City Center of Orthopedics and Cosmetology.
Person in Charge of the Center - corresponding member of RANS, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Winner of Volgograd Hero-City Award, Dr. O.G. Teterin.
Russian Federation, Volzhsky city 404120, Lenin avenue, 137
Volgograd city Center of orthopedics and orthopedic cosmetology is a scientific-practical institution, which has originated and successfully developed a new direction in cosmetic surgery - orthopedic cosmetology. At present, it is the only organization in the world having a genuine experience of working in this field of medicine.
The information on new technologies in the area of orthopedic cosmetology is destined for:
- public health services administration bodies;
- medical institutions;
- clinics and faculties of higher schools of medicine of Russian Federation, neighboring and distant foreign countries.
The State Institution Volgograd Center of Science of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences offer: a technological package necessary for establishing a center of orthopedic cosmetology.
Over the recent decade in Russia, a group of scholars and doctors supervised by doctor of medical sciences M. Egorov have been concerned with the problems of surgical treatment for cosmetic defects of skeletal system, as well as with the matters of technical, computer and software support of medical process. There has been determined a new scientific-practical direction in surgery - orthopedic cosmetology. It is a matter of treatment for cosmetic defects and deformities of the foot, correction of the axis of the lower extremities, correction of the figure proportions and increasing the patient's height with the cosmetic purpose.
As a result of our scientific-inventive and practical work, today we have a possibility to considerably reduce the duration of the course and rate of traumatism in the process of treatment for cosmetic defects and deformities of the foot and correction of the axis of the lower extremities. We have worked out an optimum stage-by-stage approach in the process of increasing the height with the cosmetic purpose, have created a scientifically substantiated system of calculations of the necessary value of lengthening depending on the height indices, proportionality of the body build and other individual features of the patient's figure structure.
There have been developed specific instruments, devices, equipment.
There have been created the software which allows to plan and carry out the treatment in strict accordance with the individual treatment plan. Monographs on the basic sections of orthopedic cosmetology have been issued.
What we consider most important in our work is following the principle of cosmeticity (low rate of traumatism and minimal terms of treatment, keeping the patient's mobility and vital activity for the whole period of treatment).
Our elaborate achievements and priorities in the area of orthopedic cosmetology are confirmed with over 50 patents and also with a diploma of scientific discovery.