Volgograd city Center of orthopedics and orthopedic cosmetology
orthopedic surgery since 1992
First time in the world medical scientists of Volgograd city have revealed a new prospective branch in aesthetic surgery - orthopedic cosmetology. Prominent scientific works dedicated to this problem were, as follows: Doctoral thesis of M.F. Yegorov "Medical and Social-Psychological Problems in Orthopedic Cosmetology" (1998), Monograph of M.F. Yegorov, A.P. Tshernov and M.S. Nekrasov - "Orthopedic Cosmetology", issued in the year of 2000 by "Fiyodorov" publishing center.
A series of unique cosmetological surgery is performed in the above mentioned center: height increase, correction of leg shapes, surgery of deformation in anterior part of the feet. The treatment is held using advanced computer technologies and is based on the scientific invention and on the more than forty (40) patented inventions and patents developed in the field of traumotology, orthopedy and cosmetic surgery.